Plots and menus · o ·)

Hi there ^ - ^)°


I've been working on some things.
First I modified the movement, now you can  run (shift/LB) . I'll add an autorun option in the future.
The next thing was to be able to create plots to plant seeds (click/A) and see where you are targeting (control/R3).
And finally I added some menus, in particular a main menu and a pause menu (esc/start).

I also created some sprites. I personally don't find them pretty but they'll do for now.


For now the plots are created instantly and that's not how it should work, so I'll add the proper delay (and maybe one frame of "animation" ?).
Also tools! How can you grow a plant without water? I'll be adding a water tile and way to use it.


The idea of the game is to start with only one seed, that means no tools.
Starting without a hoe is no problem as you can create a plot with your own hands although slowly, but what about watering if you don't have water?
I was thinking maybe the first seed only takes a day to grow and magically rains, but that will be detrimental as a tutorial as the normal way to grow a seed is watering it first. Another idea whas to remove the need to water the first seed because it's a special seed or to make the seed water itself but I'm not convinced yet.

Also, starting with only one seed implies that you don't have a house and therefore a place to sleep, but you need to sleep in order to progress to the next day. Maybe you "dig" a spot and claim it as a sleeping spot at the beginning?


Another Seed 36 MB
Sep 03, 2022

Get Another Seed


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(1 edit)

Make a water tile and have it automatically water seeds in the plots next to it.

Or let the player hold enough water in their hands for one tile even without a watering can.

Using your hands to move the water is a good idea!
Given that, I'll only need a water tile. Maybe when you plant your first seed it'll create a water tile on it's side and then you will be able to water the seed itself.