Hotbar and tools

Hi again · o ·)


I changed how the targeting system works. Now you can select a tool (left click / B) and give it a direction (mouse / left stick) before using it (releasing left click / releasing B). If you didn't intend to select a tool, now you can cancel it (right click / A).

A delay was added while using tools. I made a frame of "animation" to represent it better.

And what would be the purpose of refining the targeting and tool usage without tools, so I also added a basic "hoe" (you hands to plow the tiles) and a basic "watering can" (your hands holding water). The tools can be selected directly (left click) or cycled (1 to 8 / LB - RB).

I added full support for gamepad (main menu and pause menu). Also added an auto run setting, you can find it on the pause menu (esc / start) on the second tab (click / RB).

Finally (although I made this first) I created a logo for the game! (or at least something to replace the old game screenshot)


Although the hotbar is fully functional (you are really selecting the item on the slot), the tool usage is hardcoded for testing, so this has to be fixed, implementing a generic item usage system.

While implementing the hotbar I "accidently" created a full inventory system ... and later noted that for the hotbar I wouldn't need to move/swap/combine items . - .) so the next step is create an inventory screen using this.

Also, the first "tools" should be slow, but now there isn't a concept of tool speed.


My plan is to create all the assets for this game (maybe not the fonts).
I'm no expert drawing pixel art but I put some time making the "tool" icons. What do you think? (don't mind the character sprite for now, it was made to have something to move)


Another Seed 36 MB
Sep 08, 2022

Get Another Seed


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does this count as the first ever pixel art done on this game?

· o ·)> hahaha that's awesome!

The hands look good in the screenshot.

^ - ^)