Inventory, save system and tools again . - .)

Hi there, it's been a while.


This time I added an inventory, accesible from the pause menu. I feel like I wasted so much time renaming things, like what should I refer as an item? the ui? the data? the interactable object? but I hope that I learn to use better naming for next time.

I also worked on a save system. For now you can only save the inventory (items, it's positions and and quantities) but is progress.

I reworked the tool system twice in order to be able to add new tools / items  easily. Now items and tools are the same, and an item can trigger actions, so is implemented  like an skill system rather than making unique behavior for each thing.

Now you are really using an item and it's not hardcoded anymore, so I also added a  water tile to make the "watering can" works.


The inventory is only usable with mouse, so gamepad support is next.

There isn't a speed for the tools yet, couldn't make it in time for this build.

Given there is a save system now, I also have to store the world to be able to keep progress.

Finally I want to add the rest of the tools and work on the "charged" state, where you can keep an upgraded tool pressed in order to affect more tiles.


My biggest problem this time was how to make the item/tool system in the most scalable way possible and I think I manage to make it work.

Now, thinking of the game, my initial thoughts were to make the player be able to plant and harvest minerals too but then I was thinking on making a cave for the player to sleep until a house is crafted, and also to place some elements of the plot of the game, but then, if there is already a cave, should I make a mine system? You know, a place with floors where you can mine minerals with a hammer and search from the stairs to the next level. I don't know if it's worth it and if making this mine will damage the original idea of the game, where your only way of obtaining/crafting things is through planting/watering/harvesting. What do you think?


Another Seed 36 MB
Sep 25, 2022

Get Another Seed


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Just for personal preference I would go for all seeds as the original design was. I want to be able to grow everything.