Hello World

Hi there, long time since I work actively on a game. I always tend to start games where the idea is too broad o that require a long time investment to start developing, and then other things take over and there goes the game, to the some day pile.

After watching some interesting "auto battler" games, and speaking with some friends of how a coop/versus programming game would be, I realized that I could do some type of auto battler where you have to "program" the behavior of the units, letting them "sense" the surroundings and react to it.

Right now I drew some sketches and made a godot project. I had the thought of uploading a devlog when I have more to show, but then another thought appear and said "whatever, if I don't publish something I'll never do it", so here it is.

The main idea is that there is some kind of grid like the image bellow, you have to place your units in the first column and the rival's on the last. The unit's behavior will be created by you, and what they do on the grid will follow this instructions.

The way I was thinking to make this "programming" was to have a small grid of "senses" like the image bellow, where you can configure what action should take place given what's on that tile.

I still haven't thought of what the victory condition should be. Maybe each time a unit reaches the other side you get points and the one with the most points wins? Perhaps your objective is to destroy the rival units and if you manage to do it you win (or the one with most units given a certain time). If you have any idea it's welcomed.

And that's it, this is what I have on godot for now, a grid that constructs itself given a size.

I plan to keep this devlogs coming to motivate myself to keep working on the game. Hope you like it and thanks for reading.


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