Oh my behaviors!

Hi there, when thinking about what to implement next I realized that what's the point of making a fun and intricated behavior if you'll lose it next time you run the "game", so I added a Save and Load button. 

I said "game" because right now is more a sort of sandbox than a game, nonetheless I hope that you have fun testing it.

Speaking of development, if you are interested on how something is done let me know and I may add a Development section to these devlogs. I made some changes to the architecture of the units but I come to realize that there is no point in explaining something if there's no one  interested to listen.


I have a fundamental question about the behaviors, particularly their priority. The game right now, for each step process the behavior of highest priority (lower number) for all the units, then all of these behaviors are executed at once. After that, if there is behaviors remaining, the next highest priority behaviors are executed and so on. Do you think this is the best way?

The other option was to make a unit execute all of this behaviors and then move to the next, but in this way I'd had to pick a first and second and third ... unit, and that implies having an order. I didn't want to have to resort let the rng to pick an order, given that the game is a versus.

I also thought of solving it with stats, like speed or dexterity but if the two players make the exact same unit I'll have the same problem again. If something like a luck stat it's added it'll bring the rng with it but will "solve" the sorting problem.

Which option to choose will change completely the way the game is played. For example if I want to implement a unit that surround the enemy and attack from behind, with the current implementation this will be very challenging because the enemy is also executing its behaviors each "substep". Now if all the behaviors of the unit run on sequence, this can be accomplished with 2 to 3 behaviors, because the enemy will not be able to move on "my turn".

What do you think? what of this options do you think it's the best alternative? or maybe something completely different?

I'm eager to hear your comments, and as always thanks for reading.

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