.exe has arrived

Hi again. I've been working on the game and managed to produce an executable! I wanted to have something so you can mess with. The game right now consists on two screen,  Builder and War.


Here you can see the units. For now there are two teams, A and B. One teams sees the other as enemy. 

You can also equip the units with behaviors, this are the cards on the right. A behavior has an action and a priority. It also will check against the board on the location that you placed it. For example, if I place a move behavior to the right, it will check the tile to the right before performing the action. The color of the behavior indicates what will it check against, if white, the action will trigger if the tile at that position is empty, if red will trigger if there are enemies, and blue if allies. The color can be changed using RIGHT CLICK. It's allowed to place a behavior on the center tile, and it'll work the same, the only difference is that the unit won't count itself.

Some behavior actions can target a direction, like move and push. You can change the direction using SCROLL WHEEL above the icon. Its priority, that means, which action will try to execute first, can be changed using SCROLL WHEEL above the number. For now, if two behaviors have the same priority a specific order is not guaranteed, in the future I'll limit this so two behaviors can't have the same priority.


Pressing Next on Builder will go to War. Here you can put to the test the behaviors that you created (and maybe game bugs ?). Pressing Step will advance the simulation one step. If an unit is killed it will return to their side and you can place it again.

After watching your precious creation getting stuck because the behavior didn't do what you planned, you can return to the builder pressing Builder, make some changes and try again.

And now what?

This version of the game lack many limitations that I'll apply in future iterations. The game will be a versus, so you shouldn't be able to choose the behavior of the rival team. The plan is for each player to only see its builder and then go to war. The idea is to make it an online multiplayer of some sort, and in that way each player will have "their side" on the left, so the behaviors of the rival will be mirrored and you shouldn't be setting them up given a predefined side like now.

I plan to add stats to the units, so you can only move so many times per turn and things like that. Also the builder will be a limited and configurable grid, do you want to make an unit than only can see to the right? sure why not, a sniper that flees from enemies? go ahead.

There also will be stats and modifiers. After each battle you will receive more behaviors and items to make it more challenging. If you have ideas or things that you'd like to see tell me on the comments.

And that's it, hope you like it!


Automata Wars-0.1.0-alpha.exe 66 MB
8 days ago

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